Thursday, May 27, 2004

Growing Up is Hard to Do

May 27th, 2004
2:52 P. M.

I haven't blogged about work in a while. I don't want to go into details about the place (those closest to me know what it is), but what I can tell you is that most of the people I work with, and one of them I work for, are on the order of ten years younger than me.

I can remember being twenty or twenty-one. But the one thing I don't remember is the urge to pick on people who make it explicit that they wish to be left alone. Another thing I don't remember is passing off sophomoric pranks as a sense of humor.

One night last year, I found a nice little love note pinned under my car's windshield wiper. The secret admirer was fictitious, I knew. At twenty-nine, I think I could tell when someone really liked me. I saw the note and knew someone thought it was funny. I thought it was utterly ridiculous. Then I found out that the friends of the newly appointed twenty-year-old team leader were behind it. The team leader knew it was going to happen, but said and did nothing to prevent it.

Needless to say, I reported it, as did the person who told me who was behind it. The four conspirators each served a one day suspension. (No one will ever be able to convince me that the firing of the person who first reported them was nothing more than an act of retribution.)

Now, there is a new person working with us. This person looks, talks, and acts differently than the rest of us. I'm used to it. I'm the only one who works in my department, and on my shift, that was raised in this city. Everyone else is from points far to the southeast of the state. You know ... The whole banjo pickin', Confederate flag painted on a Dodge Charger, cousin datin' cliche to which the rest of the world seems to cling whenever the state of Kentucky is mentioned? Well, that's what these folks sound like to me. For the record, none of them plays banjo, nor dated cousins, nor do they own Chargers. But, at least one of them has a Confederate flag plate on the front of their SUV.

Well, this new person from day one I could tell was gullible and whiny. Helluva combination. The kind of person I would wish to allow them to do their job with minimal contact. However ... With what passes for a sense of humor in my department, everysingleday there are at least two people (sometimes three) who pick on this woman to the point where she whines worse than Will and Wendy from the old Saturday Night Live routines. Let me tell you ... Funny on TV (where you have the option of muting it or changing the channel), not so funny when it goes on day in/day out, five days a week.

And, who's involved with the picking you ask?

Picking being, oh let's see how this list adds up ... Flicking rubber bands, purposefully mispronouncing Nick Lachey's name (for some reason this one really offends her),throwing various items at her while her back is turned, denying anyone threw anything, ... I could go on, but I realized something; I'm tired of working in that sort of an atmosphere, and I no doubt would be tired of reading it already even if I weren't seeing it happen (like I said earlier) everysingleday.

Getting back to who's involved ... Would you believe? ... One of the ones implicated in the little love-note incident that they were suspended for, and! ... The now fiance of that person ... The team leader.

Yes, at any point, I expect the team leader to stand up and say, "Ok, everyone, I know this person is different from you ... I know that those of you who grew up with her have noticed a change in her, but that doesn't mean you get to constantly harass her."

That hasn't happened. If anything, the team leader chimes in to mimic the whinier moments this new woman has.

I feel as if I'm watching a bunch of Elementary school kids at lunch or something......

*** ** *** ** *** **
Now, coming to you on a Thursday, it's the
Humpday Quote of the


You laugh at me because I am different, but I laugh at you because you are all the same.
- Unknown

Wednesday, May 26, 2004


May 26th, 2004
2:22 P. M.

I'm really pushing my luck. There's a thunderstorm going on in Lexington right now, so I better log off before powerlines get struck by lightening! (Humpday quote tomorrow. I promise.)

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Just Padding Around the Internet

May 25th, 2004
2:04 P. M.

Just a quick hello. I'm feeling just a little too restless to be sitting around today, though I have been enjoying some Homestar Runner for about forty-five minutes. There is a nice Wiki site devoted to Homestar. I've had a lot of fun looking at it, but it may only be for some of the more rabid fans (like myself) who look forward to Monday evenings.

Monday, May 24, 2004

Not Quite Ready to Start Another Week.

May 24th, 2004
3:40 P. M.

True it may be that I'm not ready for another week (I feel as if I needed a five day weekend to get all the nothing I had planned done), but the week is thrust upon me. I'll get over it just like I have on every other Monday in my life up to this point. Dazed, confused, and walking around like a zombie...

The news coming from around the world is still terrible. So, what was it? A wedding, or a cover for arms smugglers? Someone will report (with some slant, no doubt) so you will decide.

And, if I hear or read one more person saying that dissent "aids and comforts the enemy," I'm going to "engage in an involuntary personal protein spill!"

Friday, May 21, 2004

Friday Five-less Still. How About Some Daily Dirt?

May 21st, 2004
3:02 P. M

1. What is your definition of beauty?
My definition of beauty varies with my mood. Generally speaking, though, I like dark haired women who wear glasses. (Example ... And don't laugh!) I think a smile coupled with a sparkle in the eyes broadens the definition, though. A blonde would do, if her smile makes me stop in my tracks.

2. In your opinion, who's the most beautiful person? Why?
There is someone at work who has the dark hair I like, though she has perfect vision (pity ... I think she would be that much prettier if she wore glasses). Even when she isn't smiling, she has bright, shining green eyes. She has an easy going manner, and is very easy to talk to. It's hard to get into here, but even if something were to happen to her physical beauty, she would remain a beautiful human being.

3. [Finish the sentence]: Most vain, self-centered people usually...
...Publicly ignore their own shortcomings, then dwell on them in private. (I think I might have just described myself.....)

4. If you were attractive, what would you do?
Are you saying I'm not attractive? That smart-ass response aside, if I were attractive, I would still be doing what I am now. That is, trying to get through life the best way I know how. (Basically, boring the world with my weblog.)

5. Do you think most people judge people by their looks?
I think that judging people by looks is a knee-jerk reaction. It is something primordial about us. For instance, my fascination with sparkling eyes could very well be me scanning for a healthy mate (in which case, I expect to be overlooked myself. To be perfectly honest.)

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Blogged Too Soon

May 20th, 2004
1:50 P. M.

Announcing one's intentions to celebrate the sunshine sometimes angers the sky, doesn't it? I must have made some storm clouds really jealous yesterday because no sooner than I logged out, I heard the first crack of thunder. Before I could get to my first stop on the way to the park, the street I was on was flooded darn near to my engine compartment for a good block and a half.

But, storms like this are the kind I enjoy. I was expecting an wonderfully sunny day at a park, but instead got a nice solid downpour! The kind of downpour that when I was a kid, I would have made a paper boat and sailed it down the street. (Of course, the kind of rain that fell yesterday, I probably would have tried to float down the street myself on an old piece of plywood.)

Sunday, May 16, 2004

The Comments Problem

May 16th, 2004
3:55 P. M.

Solving this little comments problem is coming to be a little more of a headache than I expected it to be. So, like most of the other problems in my life that have proven to be far more difficult than I can handle, I'm simply going to abandon any efforts to fix it. (It's during this stage that the solution to the problem presents itself in a dream, only to be forgotten very quickly as I bolt upright in bed ... Or on whatever other piece of furniture I happen to be reposing.

So, instead of solving that problem, I've decided to get out of the house. I am writing this from the library's computer lab right now, and after I leave here ... I don't even know what I'm going to do. I'll probably head over to the Carnegie Center to see what kind of (writing)classes are available for those entering their 30s. (I'm really looking for an excuse to get out of the house, and meet new people, on a regular basis.)

Friday, May 14, 2004

... Tomorrow the Stars ...

May 14th, 2004
1:55 P. M.

Welcome to my 200th post! Woo Hoo!

I never expected to stick to this thing for as long as I have. I still have no real idea why I'm maintaining it. I mean, from someone who will not watch reality TV to bore thousands ... Well, hundreds ... Well ... Dozens of people from around the world with a "So What?" life, makes no sense even to me! But, hey ... I'm having fun! (That's what got me into acting in High School. I didn't care if the audience was having fun so long as I was. Of course, if they were miserable, so was I ... But, you get the idea of why I do things like this blog.)

I should digress a little. On the surface, it makes no sense for someone who finds reality TV boring to write about his everyday life and read about the lives of others. It's interesting to know that there are no "blog execs" looking to spice things up a bit by adding a bunch of hotties in bikinis. (I just added that last line so my blog would pop up for someone looking for pictures of ... heheh ... hotties in bikinis!)

Since I do believe that my life is fairly boring after all, I have decided to do something about it. Tomorrow, there is an amateur astronomy club meeting at Raven Run Nature Sanctuary, and I'm going to it (so long as weather permits.)

Come on! You don't think astronomy is interesting? ...

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

I Thought I Was Going to Write a Regular Post Today

May 12th, 2004
1:54 P. M.

In case you haven't heard it in a bunch of other places already, there was an American beheaded in Iraq. I'm just now finding out about it, although it happened Saturday. The man's captors claimed they were killing him in retaliation for the treatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib.

That's an interesting reason ... He wasn't even involved with the mistreating of those prisoners. The only thing Nicholas Berg was guilty of was being an American.

I'm confident that the people who have been mistreating prisoners (and I thought the United States was supposed to be above that) will come to justice. But for the bloodthirsty, justice is never swift enough, nor does it need to be all that accurate.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Wednesday? Boy, This Week Will Never End!

May 18th, 2004
12:54 P. M.

I don't feel much like forcing myself to write today. The sun is shining, it's not too terribly hot outside, and I have the urge to just go to a park and walk around for a while before I go to work today. But, today I do have;

A Two for One Homestar Runner Themed

Humpday Quote of the


We'll see if those trees you're always hugging can save you when Gordon Lightfoot's creepin' 'round your back stairs!
-----Colonel Homestar Runner

I don't know. Maybe there is a goodminton.
-----Strong Bad

Playin' With the New Features!

May 11th, 2004
1:30 P. M.

I figured since these new features were becoming available on blogger, I'd put them to some sort of use. I'd love to add a photograph to my profile, but I don't have it stored anywhere (useful) on the World Wide Web.

So, if you'll pardon me, I'm going to poke around other user profiles and see what kind of folks have 'blogs up and running!

Monday, May 10, 2004

On a Little Side Note...

May 10th, 2004
1:51 P. M.

I met a reader Saturday who offered a critique ... I wish I could have gotten more, but you know how parties can be. Attention gets pulled in so many directions (right D?), and we got cut off. I never made it around to hear more of what you had to say.

And ... As far as the comments go, I have no idea how to even go about fixing that thing. I discovered my ineptitude just now when I caught myself staring blankly at a screenful of code ... I could probably have been vulnerable to suggestion for a second or two even; I'm just thankful no one came in the room and told me I was a chicken.)

But, if you can find a way around the glaring technical difficulty, I would be glad to hear anything you have to say.

So, if you'll excuse me, I have to go out back and scratch around for worms .........

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Another Graduation Day Has Drawn to a Close

May 9th, 2004
12:18 A. M.

It was a wonderful day today. I watched my old friend march triumphantly down an aisle and accept her Master's Degree ... After 11 very long, (and sometimes frighteningly) eventful years. This victory, I could tell by the way she carried herself today, was particularly poignant. The man who shook her hand and called her name had, at one time, attempted to talk her out of the program.

I can see how she's made it. She was surrounded by a truly amazing group of supporters ... Coworkers, friends, family ... You name it, and they were there. (Even two brothers-in-law who have the same first name.) All of these people truly care about you, D, and I was honored to be among them today.

I thank you for the opportunity to see you surrounded by the loving souls I saw today. You deserve all of this, and much more. I was truly touched and (of course) happy for you. You're in my prayers

Friday, May 07, 2004

It's Time for the Friday ... Oops ... No More Friday Fives...

May 7th, 2004
3:03 P. M.

I just surfed over to the Friday Five site, and discovered the message posted there. It's strange, since I picked today as the day I would get back into the habit of doing the things again. But, from looking at other blogs around, I've noticed other writing prompts published for other days of the week. Starting Monday, I'm going to participate in one of those. (As seen on Open Escape!)

But, To Hold You Over 'Til Then!

Here's something from the Daily Dirt!

1. Do you believe that a guy and a girl can be just friends?

I most certainly hope so. That seems to be what I have in my life at the moment (and, when I really take the time to think about it ... To feel through it ... All I really need. For now.)

2. Do you have more guy friends than girl friends?

Once upon a time, I had more female friends than male. I've never told anyone this (except for D, and I only told her last year), but I had all those female friends in the hope that any one of them would break up with their boyfriend ... And there I would be, all available and sympathetic and stuff. Guess how often that happened.

3. Do you get along better with guys or girls?

I get along well with both genders. I'm far too mentally lazy to keep separate lists of friends and enemies in my head, or to even write it down. I find it easier to just try to forgive everyone their trespasses, and leave it at that!

4. Have you ever fallen for a friend?


5. Is your best friend a guy or a girl?

Right now, she's getting ready to graduate from college with her Master's Degree in Social Work! (It's all official tomorrow! She's even the one who taught me how to spell 'tomorrow!')
I should have repeated it ad-nauseam earlier in the month (because I felt like it), I'm so happy and excited for her!
I'm so happy and excited for her!
I'm so happy and excited for her!
I'm so happy and excited for her!
I'm so happy and excited for her!
I'm so happy and excited for her!
I'm so happy and excited for her!
(With much hopping around and some unmanly squeals!)

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Happy Wednesday to All!

May 5th, 2004
1:33 P. M.

Hmm. I just remembered; This is Cinco de Mayo! I went down to a Hispanic part of town a few years ago (when May Fifth had fallen on a Saturday), and I found the celebration to be quite enjoyable. If I remember correctly, it is a celebration of Mexico's victory over invading French forces. What I do remember, though, is that I loved the music I heard down on that street corner.

I wonder if I can make it back to that corner today to hear some more of that music (or if everyone's at work today and will be holding the celebration later ... While I'm at work.)

*** ** *** ** *** **

Humpday Quote of the


Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian.
- Dennis Wholey

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Filling a Blank

May 4th, 2004
3:02 P. M.

I'm not going to apologize for not writing here very often. I know you all out there have better things to do than to read some trash I've written. But, just because I haven't been posting very often doesn't mean that I haven't been writing elsewhere (before you try a search engine, I'll give you a hint; my penmanship is improving.)

I've nearly filled up my little notebook. I'd love to post some of the stuff I've written, but I don't know how to prevent all that copy-and-paste stuff that I do on other websites I go to for my Humpday Quotes.

More importantly this week, I'm counting down the days until D graduates with her Master's Degree! In case I haven't gotten around to saying it, I am really excited and happy for her. I also wonder how she's going to like life without school ...

If you're viewing this page in Firefox, you aren't seeing this scroll right now. (No big loss, really...just wanted to let you know I love Firefox!)