Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Into the Elephants' Den

Wow.  Three updates, three days in a row, and all in the same week!  (If I had started this streak on a Friday, it would've been three days in a row in two weeks, so nyah!)

I'm sure some of you read my entry a couple of days ago. Well, it was mostly a dark humor piece. (So, I made the Pink Floyd references about as obvious as I possibly could--hopefully without violating copyrights. Did you catch the Arlen Specter joke?) But, I have this philosophy that all good humor, dark or otherwise, is based loosely on truth. Kinda like those town hall meetings, but not quite as loose.
The truths in the "Money. It's a Hit." entry are that I did remember the CFPR founder from some kind of testimony broadcast back in '87. I don't remember his 14 indictments on Medicare fraud, but they're a matter of public record these days--I just looked his name up and found them. I have also been paying more attention than I should to things that upset me on profound levels. That's true as well. Anything not overtly true is exaggerated (only *slightly*) for minimal comedic effect. (Or, is that "affect"? All I know is I won't use "impact" in sentences like that one.)

So, after seeing the people who were inadvertently funny on TV opposing health care, I have decided to meet with my senator (the one seen on Meet the Press talking about a "....friend down in Florida who had a friend up in Canada....") to discuss *my* view on things. Ladies and gentlemen, when *I* get pulled this far into a political debate, it's big. I mean, *real* big. I've spent all of my adult life trying to avoid conversations with politicians, and here I am going to see one in his very own office. Daaaayyyumn.


Special Blogger Addendum

Yes, against my usual tastes, I used the word "addendum".  I try not to use words that end in "-dum" because I'm still partly immature and would have to work too hard to stifle a snicker.  But, this is writing, so I can use it and snicker away.

I was watching the news (I'm having a hard time breaking that habit), and saw a woman ranting at a meeting in Iowa.  "We are scared because we are about to get Big Government (my aside---OOOOOOOOHHHH!  OOOGIE BOOOOOOGIE!) involved in life and death decisions that should be left in the hands of Almighty Gawud!"  (Spelling used to reflect my opinion of the speaker.)

Listen.  I'm the one with Attention Deficit Disorder, and I all ready know 1-Big Government (OOOOOOOOHHHH!  OOOGIE BOOOOOOGIE!) is all ready involved in those decisions (always has been, always will be) and 2-Big Corporations are all ready making said decisions in health care.  (If you don't believe governments decide who dies and who doesn't, then what are declarations of war and death penalties all about?)

It just seems to me that your average human being (let's forget for a minute that we're only talking about Americans specifically) should be able to point things like this out rationally and shut these screaming meemees down.  How the fact that governments have loooong been in the life-or-death business has escaped these ranters, I have no idea.  How also the fact escapes them that health insurance industries are far less benevolent than government (and that's saying something!) I am equally amazed.   I have to say....BRAVO, folks.  I can't tell if you're using your brains or some ganglion or plexus nearer to your wallets.


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