Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Updates: As If They're Warranted

Hello, anyone.  Pua, Avery, whoever else may still be reading.

I know I promised to keep the updates coming, but so far nothing worth reporting has happened.  I have had a predictable slide into depression over my leg injury. 

I'll torture myself telling why one more time:  Not only have I not worked since February 27th last year, I haven't been able to go hike around the nature sanctuary in town since the year before.  Raven Run park...Look it up, find some pictures, and understand why I love the place.

I like taking a camera, a pad and pen out there to write and snap pictures to my li'l heart's content.  It's a beautiful place all year 'round, but my two favorite seasons are Fall (which I missed last year) and Spring (which also missed last year, and am missing currently).  Ah, the colors, the cool and refreshing breezes, the palisades of the Kentucky River....It's a Holy place to me.  And I haven't seen it in about 18 months.  It's only five miles away from me, but it might as well be on the other side of the planet.

Talking about that to my doctor, though, did bring about one positive thing--we accidentally caught an anxiety disorder.  I didn't even know to research it because my anxiety attacks weren't triggered by emotion.  They were triggered in my stomach.

A few years ago, strange things started happening when I went without eating for long stretches.  (For example, my favorite meal plans involve only breakfast at 8 in the morning, then dinner at 5 or 6 that evening.)  Well, a couple of years back, I would start getting pressure (nearly painful, at that!) right at my sternum.  In quick order, I would feel a warm rush up into my head, then tremendous pressure behind my eyes and in my ears (quieting the world down, too) coupled with intense flushing.  It happened in front of my dad one was one of the few times I saw him look scared for me.  (Quick note--my dad survived pancreatic cancer, so I had to reassure him, "Oh, I'm ok.  This is just something that happens when I skip lunch nowadays.")

So, because I talked about my depression and was given a medication for it, those odd little attacks have stopped.  I've also lost weight accordingly--not having to eat to stave off an attack. 

I think that sums up the past year pretty accurately.  It also gives a clue about why my updates have been few and far between.  Changes going on in my life have slowed to a crawl.

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