Coming At You Faster Then Ever!*
Today is the first day with the new cable modem! I'm in love with it already. I haven't seen the web move this fast for close to two years now.
Well, other than feeling better than I have for the past few months, the blues band I'm on the periphery of now has a name; Ed the Jones. The guitarist that isn't my dad came up with it. They had their first (non-paying) gig this past Friday (while I was at work.) I was invited along, but there was a scheduling conflict (see previous parenthetical remark.)
Well, now that the internet is moving so much faster at home, I'm going to go back and catch up on Homestar Runner. Good night, everyone!
**I hope.
*The speed at which This Space for Rent comes at you may not have changed. It's just that since I've moved back in with my mother, I more than have an extra fifty dollars a month to support my speedy web habit.**