Monday, August 09, 2004

Copy, Paste, and Tell the People What’s Been Goin’ On!
If I’ve said it before, I haven’t said it enough; Thanks, Blogger for the newer, easier interface. I wrote this entry out on my own diary disk, which I’ve neglected (let’s face it, I couldn’t find it to write in it), since the first part of March.

So, you folks out there know how much I love my Wednesdays for those lovely quotes I dig up. Therefore, you know (I’m clueing you in now) that I wouldn’t miss posting on a Wednesday for all the world.
Except for this past Wednesday.
I haven’t been writing about it, but for much of the past week (between this past Wednesday and the one before it) I’ve been feeling downright fatigued. I haven’t been able to get enough sleep. And, even when I do, I feel as if I could go right back to bed and sleep for the rest of the day.
So, after being tired of, well, being tired, I decided to go to the doctor.
I carry the Cyto-Megalovirus, which has been linked to all sorts of things (like chronic fatigue syndrome and mononucleosis), but everyone I’ve asked about it says that it has no symptoms in people my age. (That age being 3 and up.) I thought that possibly it could flare up every once in a while (like cold sores do). “Nope.” I’ve been told. “It stays in your system and just hangs out.”
So, the theory now is that my blood pressure was high. How high you ask?
Well, high enough to warrant an ambulance ride to a hospital. Where I stayed for roughly four hours while they gave me two doses of Chloridine (I think that’s what they called it) at 0.1 milligrams per dose.
So, now I’m back on blood pressure medication (calcium blocker and an ACE inhibitor). This time it looks to be permanent. I hope not. though. I’m hoping that once I take these twenty-five pounds back off it means that the medication will start making me light headed again.
From now on, I should be able to make my normal Wednesday quotes on time. I don’t plan on spending any more time in ambulances or emergency rooms until the inevitable comes. Whenever that’s going to be.


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