Friday, November 07, 2003

I Haven't Done One of These in a While

November 7th, 2003
10:00 A. M.

It's Friday, and I'm about to answer five questions on a topic I hope is interesting.

1. What food do you like that most people hate?
It might be a little easier to answer this one if there were only one example.
But, every time that I've mentioned liking blood pudding, someone has acted like it's the most terrible thing that they've heard.
I've written about this before. I have a sneaking suspicion that if you were to ask these people how they like their steaks or hamburgers, they'd say "Rare." I don't understand that....

2. What food do you hate that most people love?
That question really isn't much easier. I can't say that I hate much.
Let's just say that my tastes have matured very little since the days I used to gag on "chicken a la king." That stuff was terrible when I was a kid. It's been nearly 25 years since I had it last, and I have no intention of ever having it again.

3. What famous person, whom many people may find attractive, is most unappealing to you?
Well...I have this thing about not mentioning this person's name. It is a woman...I have found her totally unappealing since I first heard of her in the early 80's.
The day that I realized that she was still recording and Cyndi Lauper had dropped off the face of the Earth (which she has thankfully returned), I knew my lucky star had stopped shining. And, I no longer felt that this world was a virgin.
I just don't want to help this person sell any more records than she already has.
The day I went to church with D, the preacher mentioned this person by name. It disappointed me because not only do I never want to hear that name again, the preacher might have inadvertently helped to sell a few more albums.
So, if you know who I'm talking her albums if you truly like them. However, I would suggest Cyndi Lauper over her. And, of course, Aimee Mann.

4. What famous person, whom many people may find unappealing, do you find

Hard to say. Most of the famous people that folks think are attractive, I would agree with. Same thing with the unappealing ones...
I could have shortened this answer to a simple "I don't know," but I didn't.
I don't know.

5. What popular trend baffles you?
You're asking for only one?
Well, I must say that angry white men baffle me. Especially the ones with radio talk shows. These guys have made it. Some of them have even made it big. And, to get where they have gotten, you need to care about no-one but yourself. Look out for Number One, these fellows would tell you.
Then, they get behind the microphone and raise their voices, shout, and make all sorts of angry noises about some injustice being done to them or their kind.
Well, fellows, I am one of your kind. And, there isn't a whole lot going on, as far as national policies, that can anger me.
Equal rights? Come on. Women have earned them. Black folks in this country have been oppressed long enough. They're people too. (If anything, some women have proven themselves to be a little more cold blooded than us. Therefore, some of them would make great "corporate raiders.")
Equal opportunity? Again, come on! Hasn't time proven, again and again, that if left to their own devices, that people who do the hiring would only hire (and promote) folks that are part of the same demographic as they themselves are? White men? Oh, come on!
We aren't superior! We're just people, and so is everyone else!

Well....I do have a penchant for ranting after all.


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