Thursday, October 30, 2003

Just Blog Surfing

October 39th, 2003
10:06 A. M.

I've been up since about ten 'til eight this morning. I only spent twenty minutes of my usual hour of lying in bed mustering energy to face the day. That must be a good sign.
I also spent the next 50 minutes actually organizing my living space (finally). I've been in my new apartment for nearly a month now, and I have only unpacked a couple of boxes. I didn't even bother packing my clothes in the first place; I transferred them hangers and all from my old closet to the car to my new closet.
I know what I'm like. If I had packed my clothing, I would surely have gone out to buy new clothes instead of unpacking the ones I already own.

I am exaggerating there.

I hope.

But, you never know what you're capable of until after you've already done it.

* ** * *** * ** * ***

I got some disappointing news from D last night. She and her husband have been struggling to have a child for a while now. Last week, Dwent through a couple of procedures to get pregnant...with hormone therapy and everything (she will be a high risk pregnancy, so even if she does get pregnant, she will have to be on the hormones for the first three months of it).

This poor lady has been through so much over this.

I've known her for the better part of 12 years now, and I knew she had endometriosis back shortly after I met her. She told me she was diagnosed at the age of 11, and told at the time that if she ever wanted to have children, she'd better have them by her early 20's. And, I thought that when she started dating my best friend, that the two of them would make great parents.
If D hasn't written about my best friend, I won't either. Suffice it to say, he surprised both D and I.
And now, here she is; past her early twenties, still struggling to become a she's always wanted to be. Her doctors have not been giving her much hope over this past year.
I feel so bad for her.
I know roughly how she feels. I'd love to be a parent, too...but my struggles with that do not involve surgeries or hormone therapies.
My struggle is more about me not really fitting in with the rest of society.

An honest, open, affectionate man?

"I don't think such a man exists!"

Yes he does, dammit! But, you all keep ignoring him, and going after the man who doesn't need you and lets you know it!

So, now you get a sense of what makes for an embittered writer...

* ** * *** * ** * ***

After cleaning up my place and thinking about D and her problems, I decided to check out a few web logs from the 10 most recently updated on the Blogger opening page. You folks out there are putting out some really good work! Keep it up!
I've managed to expand my browser's favorite blogs folder by six today! For your reference I have checked out;
Diary of a Graduate Girl
Random. Really
The Daily Aneurysm at
The Quitters
The world of the musical mind

While I haven't had the time to read these in their entirety, I have read today's posts. All of you have put out some good stuff, and I will be back to read more. I also recommend these blogs to my own readers (if there are any left after that unplanned two and a half week break I took).


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