Wednesday, October 29, 2003

For All Those Who Overheard My Conversation Last Night

October 29th, 2003
9:34 P. M.

Ok, I posted so late last night because I went down to my local pub last night. (Yes, we have pubs here in the U. S., but from what I understand, they are nothing like their counterparts anywhere in Europe.) At the pub, I started talking to this 42 year old guy who was telling me that if you treat a woman badly, she'll want you more.
I've already figured that out. I look back at the evidence I saw in my last girlfriend, and that is exactly what would have happened, had I not tried to treat her like a queen.
If I had been coldhearted to her...if I had done my own thing and not made time for her (as she did to me), she would have gone out of her way to make me want to stay with her. According to the 42 year-old at the pub, that is.
My ex does have a history of going for the "wrong guys."
Her first ex boyfriend offered me a job working the "front" of some thing that he and his friends were into. I'm not entirely sure what that meant, but I knew on the spot that I wanted no part of it.
Her current boyfriend (I don't know if I've mentioned this or not) is an illegal immigrant. He's not an undocumented worker. He's a falsely documented worker. He's from Mexico...his papers say he's from Puerto Rico. I have no idea what kind of people this fellow is tied up with, or how much he may owe to them for these papers. When my ex wasn't my ex, I tried to point this out to her. She, of course, pretended to listen, but kept running around with him anyway. I told her that he could be in danger, and that by extension, she would be too if they were out together and anything ever caught up to him.
But...danger may be a turn on for my ex. And I'm not dangerous.
I prefer being open and honest. I prefer to let my significant other know I care about them. Not just by telling them, but by showing them. I prefer to not let anything come between me and my love.
This is the way I will carry on until I find someone who will appreciate it for the rest of our lives.
If I can't find that, then this world is truly in trouble.
So, Mr. 42 Year-Old-With-A-Divorce-After-Thirteen-Years-Of-Marriage, your advice has been taken...
...with a shaker of salt...

And with that out of the way, I have the return of the:

Humpday Quote of the


...for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill.
J. R. R. Tolkien


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