Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Those Real Heavy Hitters Showed Me!

Ok, so life is garbage. I understand that. Poor kids on deviant art having to put up with hobbyist with less than stellar tastes in music and sinus infections. Whew. If you're going to say someone's tastes in music isn't all that great, at least do the world a favor and not mention Tool, Mudvayne, Nine Inch Nails, or Korn. I kept my absolute favorites off the list. Music is a matter of tastes, but you know something? ... Loud, fast, shitty, angry music is way the hell overdone. Overdone!

All my friends were into it when I was in high school and college. One of the NIN fans I knew told me it was good music to help remind you of why you should be angry. I thought, but didn't say, "If you have to be reminded to be angry, you have no right to be angry."

Life sucks--get to know this well. And get over it.

A List of Sucky Shit Which Has Happened to Me

1. I spent the first six years of my life on a street where raw sewage would run through our yards after a moderate rain.

2. In the same neighborhood, and after those same rains, raw sewage would bubble up through every drain in the house.

3. In 1977, probably because of bathing in a tub, and eating off dishes washed in a sink where raw sewage bubbled up, I nearly died of the flu. I had a temp of 106, and went into seizures. Thankfully, I survived to the next catastrophy in my life.

4. I had a Principal in Second and Third grades that ignored my parents' directive that he not use corporal punishment on me for not turning in my homework. For the longest time after that, I trusted neither my parents (seeing as I didn't find out until much later that the principal had violated my parents wishes), nor anyone an authority.

5. Becuase of the treatment I got from the principal, I got depressed and gained a lot of weight. I haven't lost it yet, but it no longer bothers me. Plenty of people in my life have looked beyond it.

6. We moved around a lot when I was a kid, and always to crappy little neighborhoods. If it wasn't raw sewage, it was dumb-ass rednecks cranking their country music stations until the small hours of the morning during their loud, rebel yell parties. Try waking up to that on a school night.

7. Once I got to High School, life turned around. I still sucked as a student, but I felt the future was bright. All the shit was behind me, so to speak. Wrongo! I fell in love. But, that wasn't the problem--my terrible, awkward shyness was. She was shy as well, and probably surprised that anyone would want to care about her. I got to know her as a human being and friend. I finally worked up the nerve to tell her how I felt--that I loved her--and then asked her to the Senior Prom. One month before Prom, she dies in a car wreck.

8. College. The whole first year was shadowed by losing the love of my life. Nothing really bad happened there, other than I flunked out (owing to a mystery ailment known as ADD that I was diagnosed with, but not treated for!, in 1981)

9. I fell in love--again. This time with an artistic type. I like artists--I think they should be encouraged to create. I took every opportunity to tell this new lady that she should not listen to the people around her who meant well, but weren't encouraging her. Turns out that she ignored me and listened to them. Being with her became unbearable; she was unhappy, and nothing I could do could make her happy. I, then, became unhappy too. I left her, and eventually got to the point where I didn't look back. I was living up 'til that time on my own, which brings me to point number;

10. Moved back in with my mother. She had not only been having an alarming variety of health complaints, she was also having trouble keeping her bills up. I broke a lease to live with her and help her out (to the tune of 440 dollars a month) until she could rebuild her savings. There was a positive trade off--so long as I promised to return to college, she would drop the rent requirements down to half. I held up my end of the bargain, and she held up hers. But, I've come to find out that she was diagnosed with Schleroderma. Try researching that. Maybe it'll harden the skin on her knuckles and elbows. Maybe it'll harden everything and she'll waste away as I care for her to the end. I don't know which will happen, but I will say this; she's already having the digestive problems associated with the more severe kind of Schleroderma.

So, any of you little college kids care to step into the ring now? Keep in mind that I've kept positive through all this. I've read your comments about me, my art, and This Space for Rent. I've also read some of your other stuff. You kids are pretty typical yourselves. People are out to hurt you, screw you over, and make you cry. None of that is new to me; I've lived through it too. Somehow, whether it's surrounding yourselves with truly lame, loud, uninteresting and angry music--or it's just that you simply have your heads so firmly up your own asses--you can't see that everyone else is in the same boat. That, dear kiddies, makes for truly 'bad art.' Art that you all don't want anyone connecting with. Art you want to think of as superior simply because you're the ones who created it.

Guess again.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Major Drawback to Handwritten Journals

The problem I've had lately is not that I haven't been writing. (Before you try to pick the grammar apart, there isn't really a double negative in that last sentence. The problem I don't have is "not writing".) I've been doing plenty of writing--I just haven't put any of it here. In fact, I've been churning out at least six to eight pages per weekend. One day, I might post the stuff I've been writing here. I need to ask permission from the people about whom I've been writing. These folks haven't had a real chance to get to know me yet, so I don't know how they'd feel about me posting entries about them for the world (wide web) to see.

So, to Avery, Pua, Dimlights, et. al., I promise that I'll get back around to commenting on your blogs! My weeks don't feel complete unless I've tried catching up on all I've been missing of your lives!

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Humpday Quote of the Week!

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
                                            -----Albert Einstein

Saturday, March 19, 2005

What? No Takers?

Yesterday, I posted an entry with an odd title. I promised a cookie to anyone who could guess where the title originated. No one's commented yet. I've decided to let it hang until I get some guessers. (By the way, Pua. I think instead of ending my run here at This Space, I've decided to opt for an eventual overhaul. I like some of the newer designs I've seen at other sites--particularly the site about the cookies and whiskey chaser!)

Of course, there was also yesterday's update on the sinus infection (which turned into bronchitis!) The doctor gave me a note that kept me off work Friday, and gave me a steriod to treat the lung iritation. Could explain why I'm feeling so pumped right now....

Friday, March 18, 2005

Blog the Magnificent Ferret

Yay! I Didn't Wind Up Overdrawn This Week!

For the first time in about three months, I've reached a payday without having a negative balance in my checking account! For the first time in just as long, I actually have a balance left over in my savings from the last paycheck! Woohoo! Now, it's time to blow it all on my prescriptions and a second trip to the doctor for this stubborn-ass sinus infection. Damn. Just when I thought I was getting ahead once again.... *Update* Sinus infection has now turned to bronchitis. ...Just like the good ol' days! *yay*

(A cookie to anyone who knows where the nonsequitous title of today's post was lifted!)

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Mid-Week! Quote Time!

The Humpday Quote of the

We started out like Romeo and Juliet, but then it ended in tragedy.
-----Milhouse Van Houten

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Beware the Ides of March? ...You Ain't Foolin', Brutus!

Day Two of the Official Diagnosis is progressing. Head still feels to be about the size of a nice, hefty watermelon. Still waiting for the horse-choker antibiotic pill to kick in.

Haven't been able to think a whole lot ... Pressure in head is pushing out pensive possibilities. Therefore, so much for writing today. So much for writing 'til this thing goes away....

Monday, March 14, 2005

Yep. Sinus Infection.

And, waiting for the medicine to take effect. I suppose I should enjoy my time off--this illness feels like the kind that will produce some strange 'visions.' It's already given me a bunch of insomnia. That should start some waking time dreams...

Thursday, March 10, 2005

I Bet You Thought I Had Forgotten Wednesday!

Well, it's official! I missed a Humpday here! I posted the qoute at my deviantART site this time! I'll probably still put stuff up here from time to time ... Just to keep my links up and running. I'll need those to keep up with the blogs I read on a once in a while basis! (That's all of them, technically. I don't get around to reading them every day, or even every week. .... Ok, so not even every month, but I do try to read them!)

I just realized that my Renters can't post comments on the deviantART site, unless they've joined deviantART. So, I'll copy and paste what I wrote there over to here! And, here we go!:

Back at my old web log, I ran a regular feature called "The Humpday Qoute of the Week." I've only missed it about fifteen times in the past two years. These past couple of months, I've been running them in the theme of English Humor. I don't know if it counted or not, but I was inspired, of all things, by a New Scooby Movie that had Laurel and Hardy as guests. There was a scene where Velma leaned out of the Mystery Machine and asked, "Have an accident?"

Stan, standing next to Oliver and their stranded car, answered, "No thanks. We just had one."

I posted that a few weeks back. So, for my first Humpday Qoute of the Week on deviantArt, I present you with;

"Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life."
-----Terry Pratchett

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Perhaps My Last Humpday Quote Ever! (On This Web Log!)

That's right! I'm wrapping this regular feature up over here. I'm going to be sending it over to My deviantART site. I might even do a second entry over there today! (There is an entry over there called "Welcome Renters!" Since I've thought of a name for people who read this blog, I might actually keep it running in some form from now on! I just don't know how often I'll update it anymore. Rest assured, Renters, that I'll be writing and taking photographs, and they'll all be posted!)

It's back to my planned tribute to English humor this week. (I think I'll go a bit ribald for this one ... Sorry, it can't be helped. This guy is English, what he said had that funny English twist ... but, it is on quite a different subject than I usually use. Then again, I've also told you that my full name is on the deviantART site. ...The name's Hiles! David Aaron Hiles! ... And, no, I'm not related in any way to R. Lee Ermey's character in the Frighteners.)

The Humpday Quote of the

"My girlfriend once asked me, 'Have you been having sex behind my back?' ... I said, 'Wot? Who did you think it was? Is it that hard to turn around and check?'"
-----Jimmy Carr, host of the gameshow Distraction (from a stand-up routine. I didn't write the exact quote down, but it was terribly funny, as was the rest of his routine!)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A Little Early This Week!

I'm online a little early this week! But, I'm watching the Comedy Channel, and Paul Gilmartin is on right now. He's had several lines that bear quoting in just 15 minutes ... I'll just give you two!!

The average American wouldn't know how to question authority if it was on the other side of a knock-knock joke.

I see people driving these gas guzzling SUV's, and some of them have put flags on them. I think that's like a hooker wearing a rosary.

I didn't write that second one down, and he said it as I was opening the Internet Explorer Window to write this entry. I know I might not have gotten the quote exactly right, but I'll urge my reader(s) to watch for his material!


In Other News

Consider this my "coming out!" No, it's not what you think ... I'm merely borrowing a word from that movement. (A gay friend once told me that the theory is that we all have closets from which we need to 'come out,' and it's not always about sexuality! Well, I'm coming out of my closet...)

I've gotten into another 'blogging' type of website. It's called ',' and here is a link to my site. I'm sad to announce that all my other blogs, even dear old This Space for Rent, will be falling by the wayside.

The reason I'm calling this my 'coming out' is that I've put my full name on this site. Now, you all will know it. Just don't bother looking me up in the phone book! The phone here is in my mom's name! (In case you see my full name, and decide to look it up online, I've already tried ... The numbers you might find for me are reaaaaalllly old! I have no idea who you'd end up waking in the middle of the night if you were to call them.


This next line is just a personal observation. It has nothing to do with the other two sections. (Of course, the other two sections had nothing to do with each other.)

I just realized something today ... I've typed this whole entry up without once looking down at my hands....

If you're viewing this page in Firefox, you aren't seeing this scroll right now. (No big loss, really...just wanted to let you know I love Firefox!)