Saturday, February 07, 2004

Another Day of Internet Issues

February 7th, 2004
1:20 A. M.

Well, I've been trying to look at my own blog today so I could see if anyone had left a comment. So far, it will load yesterday's entry, but stop right as the (possible) comments are about to load. It was doing that today at around four in the afternoon. Since it has been so long since I've been at home at that time, I thought it was simply because there was a lot of traffic on Blogger at the time. But, just now I've realized that there are bloggers in every time zone on the planet, so there may not be a light load for this site at any time.

So, at any rate, I don't know what's going on here, and I would love to know if anyone tried to contact me about the last couple of entries. (In fact, I've come to enjoy reading reactions much more than actually writing posts.)

I've just tried, once again, to look at the blog, and the links list isn't coming up either. Darn it. I'm too lazy most of the time to type web addresses in the address bars (if you've ever wondered about my ever increasing links list ... it mostly for my convenience), but tonight it looks like I'm going to have to do so.

While I've been typing this entry out, I've also been looking at other blogs. They all seem to be loading up nice and complete. I wonder if I've done something to anger someone somewhere ....


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