Saturday, January 31, 2004

There Must Be a Less Intrusive Way to Castrate Brass Monkeys

January 31st, 2004
1:50 A. M.

Goodness gracious.....

It's zero degrees Fahrenheit in my fair city right now. Even my car whined when I started it up tonight (this morning - whatever). It simply doesn't get this cold very often around here. But, gosh, when it does, it can really get cold.

There have been several times in the course of my life that I remember the temperature hitting at least fifteen below. That's actually fun to play in, albeit not for very long! What you do (and those of you from farther up north might have more opportunities to do this) is to get a bottle of bubbles on a nice arctic night and go outside to blow them. It's the strangest thing I've ever seen, and I've only seen it once. At fifteen below zero (twenty-six below zero, if you're a Canadian reading this blog) the water in the bubbles' surfaces will freeze, and the bubbles will fall to the ground ... and stay there. You can even pick the things up. I even saw one shatter instead of pop.

I know my friends might think I'm a little strange, but I'd like to do that again one day...


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