Wednesday, November 12, 2003

And Now for Your Feature Presentation!

November 12th, 2003
10:09 P.M.

Interesting news, everyone! I have been job hunting on my 3 days off. My bosses told me to think about the importance of my job while I was away, and I have.
I remember what one of them told me shortly after I started this job;
"Some people just aren't cut out to work 'in this department'."

Of course, that is an edited version of what I was told. I still remember it word for word, and if I were to repeat it here, I am afraid I would reveal too much about where I work.
But, that phrase has been running around my head for the past three days. I do believe that I was earmarked for failure; no matter what I did from that point on, I would never be able to get ahead where I am working now.

So, today (while in a particularly obstinate mood) I applied for a job that required a high school diploma and two years of experience in the type of field I am working in now. Here's where the obstinate part comes in...get this! The starting pay for the job(s) I am applying for is greater than the pay the supervisor who told me "some people are not cut out" is getting, and she has been at this organization for a while now.
So, yes I agree that some people are not cut out to work where I'm working. I actually am cut out to work where I'm working right now, but if you don't think so, fine.
I'll go work for the local university making pretty close to what you're making, and I'll be getting my degree.
...From there I will definitely be better of than you.

I'm not cut out for this job. I'm cut out for better.

Humpday Quote of the


Forgive your enemies. But don't forget their names.
-----Tin Sign seen in local restaurant in Lexington, Kentucky


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