Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Post Moved to Different Blog

Hello, again! If you were expecting to see my Martin Luther King Day post, I've moved it to the Road from Demockery.

Yeah. I thought I'd stopped writing to it, too. Truth is, I want to stop writing politically charged articles. I really do. There is no greater waste of energy right now than to write about politics. I know I'd be labeled as "too liberal" even by people who belong to the same affiliations as I. What that label might mean is far beyond me ... It's almost as if people don't want gigantic corporations like Enron, Tyco, and Worldcom to have to answer for their questionable practices. Sure, cheat thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people out of millions of dollars. Just don't get an abortion ... (In case you're wondering, I think that if you're going to allow for either thing to happen, you might as well allow both. Ban either one, and ban the other, too. Morality is morality, so don't pick and choose. Gah!)


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