Tuesday, January 06, 2004

My Second Handwritten Entry

January 5 th, 2004
12:12 A. M.

It's raining like brimstone in Hell right now ... and I'm at my mother's house. What does that have to do with anything?

Let me tell you.

This time last year, maybe two years ago, we discovered one heckuva leak had sprung over Mom's computer desk. I mean, when this thing really got going, it was like someone had turned a firehose on full blast. (Ok, mild exaggeration...)

What's worse is that it wasn't in just one spot .. there was a cluster of at least four, and they all flowed the same way!

"Oh, neat! You have a Niagara Falls screensaver. How realistic, too!"

"What are you talking about? I downloaded my screensaver from George Carlin.com!"

While on the subject of this weather, I got a laugh from a stranger at the pub tonight. Here's what I said;

"Weather forecast from Snoop Dogg. We can expect some drizzle any minizzle."


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