Monday, October 27, 2003

monday It Stays

October 27th, 2003
11:50 P. M.

Like I wrote earlier, I don't know whether or not to capitalize "monday" until the day is over. If you notice, I put in the morning post that today is October 28th (note also the double post, which is done by me hitting my browser's back button instead of Blogger's re-edit button. I could correct this, but I would rather leave it as a reminder of how mondays can start). Well, it ain't...and I found this out when my workday was about three quarters over. I have been writing October the 28th as the date on everything I handled at work today. I had to go back and correct every single thing. Dammit. (I wish there was a word more appropriate for the way I feel about days like today. I mean, this was no major catastrophe by any means. It was, however, one hell of a nuisance.)
I started putting that date on everything today because, apparently, while I was setting my watch an hour back (in a dimly lit room) this weekend, I accidentally set the date a day ahead. I have no idea how I managed to do that.
My best guess is that I was befuddled by my watch's sticky buttons. I swear that thing will one day make me bleed, if I don't get a new watch before that happens. I know I wind up leaving a nice little group of button imprints on my fingers every spring and fall. I know it's time to reset my watch when those imprints have finally faded.

Overall, it was a good day today. I made it through, I am pleasantly tired, and I got done everything I wanted to do. And I did it a day early, thanks to my misadventure in time...


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