Thursday, September 30, 2004

Say Hello to the Sun!

Hi, everybody!
Hi, David Aaron!
Wow. I wasn't expecting any Dr. Nick fans in the house!

Anyway, as you can guess, I've finally gotten a response to that dream I posted a couple of days ago. Note ... I put the wrong dates as the updates at the top. I thought Tuesday was Wednesday. That happens a lot to me.

As far as the dream goes, I'm going to copy and paste it to a new blog so people can continue to muse over it. ... If anyone else is inclined to comment, it'll be on the sidebar below the George Carlin quote (which will change, and is supposed to be a description of this blog, anyway) and will be called Mind Movies in the Night.

*** ** *** ** *** **

I'm not really taken with web surfing these days. I usually like to go to precisely what I want to look at and take no detours along the way. When I was in college the first (and second) time around, that behavior caused me a great deal of trouble. I couldn't tell you how many hours I lost in front of a computer, but I can tell you that it was enough to help me get into academic probation!

But, today, surf I did. And, I turned up a wonderful little cartoon with a twisted ending. So, I apologize in advance to anyone on a dial-up connection, and welcome you to say hello to the sun!


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