Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Followed Some Advice Tonight

I now have a small radio in my corner. I can (and did tonight!) drown out that pseudo-conservative drivel that is The Savage Nation. (Sheesh! If ya hate Dan Rather so much, why not have someone wack him?)


No more having to hear about the "Liberal Media" and their complicitous silence about "Islamist" barbarism in Africa and around the world. (For the record, Mikey, I listened to NPR tonight, and they did indeed point out that Arabs were doing all the slaughter in Sudan! So there!)

I'll no longer have to hear him railing against liberals for not calling terrorists "terrorists." If you don't know what I'm talking about here, he (and others, to be fair) keep talking about how they keep hearing things like "hostage takers," "insurgents," and "rebels." To Mike Savage and the like, a terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist. Well, all I have to say is that shi-tzus, greyhounds and chihuahuas are all dogs ... But you don't hear me complaining about the AKC, do you?

To bad I'll never get to hear if they think the Weather Channel is too liberal.

And, before any of you all out there start wondering to yourselves about it, it does indeed piss me off that children died in Russia ... That there are people being beheaded in Iraq. But, you'll never get me to blame all of Islam for that. That's like blaming all Christendom for the acts of Torquemada. Or Hitler. Or Timothy McVey. Or Eric Rudolph ...

... You get the picture.


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