Tuesday, December 16, 2003

A Day Comes to an End on a Slightly Smaller World

December 15th, 2003
11:53 P. M.

I heard some strange news at about one o'clock this morning.

At about four or five o'clock yesterday afternoon, police discovered an idling car near a bridge on a river near town. The driver was nowhere to be found, but he had left his wallet behind.

To the best of my knowledge, the driver has not yet been found, and he is not expected to be found alive.

This is another long time friend of my family's here. He's D's ex-boyfriend's cousin. The two had one thing in common; a short, but very troubled life. They both had their problems, and both had people near them who cared very deeply for them ... but did not know what to do to help alleviate the suffering.

Hell, I didn't know what I could do in D's boyfriend's case. He was like a brother ... no ... he was a brother to me. I still miss him. And, as his little brother, I still wish I could have had the last word on him. But, he died not knowing what he had done to me.

D knows what I'm talking about.

He did the same thing to her.

It's another sad day for that family. What's worse is ... I don't know if this is one of those families that lingers on tragedies like these, as if these tragedies only happen to that family.

Life is tragic all around. We can either say how terrible it is that someone took their life. Or we can praise them for being able to know that it's not going to get any better.

I for one believe what Byron said; "...If I laugh at any mortal thing, 'tis that I may not weep."

Count my laughter as tears, folks. It's either that, or ..........


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