Friday, March 26, 2004

Spring Is In the Air!

March 26th, 2004
3:43 P. M.

If you cruise on over to the Friday Five page today, you'll see there is nothing posted for today. I can hardly blame them at all. Where I'm sitting, it's sunny and about 75(24) degrees outside. It's a perfect day to rent a boat and float around on a lake somewhere.

Since there is no Friday Five to answer today, I'll just tell you the five things I'm looking forward to (in going back to) college.

1. The homework. I honestly miss that stuff. Having a deadline that is days, if not weeks away beats the heck out of having to have paperwork updated every single minute of every single day. I've had enough time outside of school to have finally found a perspective on this.

2. The studying. I've lately discovered that I love to do research. I owe that to the wonderful, wonderful internet. If it weren't for the network of computers that is now connecting my thoughts to your screen, I'd probably still dread the idea of looking for information on any subject. (I have gotten good practice at searching for song lyrics. That's from what my love of delving for facts grew. One day you're looking up a song, and eventually you're helping a friend research autism for a paper she has in a class.)

3. The (I hate this word) networking. Why do I hate this word? Because "network" is a freakin' NOUN, and shouldn't have "-ing" added to the end of it!!! I don't "car" to work ... I drive!
Anyway, I miss mingling with other folks ... Being able to associate with people whose ideas and beliefs are similar to mine. I haven't really been able to do that since the last time I was in school. It's not that I don't like the folks that I've met recently ... Quite the contrary, I think they're a lovable bunch of people. I just don't have much in common with people who voluntarily label themselves "rednecks."

4. The exercise. Yes, indeedy! having to walk all over campus kept that "freshman five" pound gain from becoming a fifteen or twenty! As soon as I dropped out of college, though, it turned into (an eventual) seventy pound gain! Eek! Maybe by this time next year, after a few months of walking all over the place, I'll be able to drop a little more weight than I have since I joined that gym.

5. The (I hate this word) networking. Why do I hate this word? Because "network" is a freakin' NOUN, and shouldn't have "-ing" added to the end of it!!! I don't "car" to work ... I drive!
Anyway, I miss mingling with other folks ... Being able to associate with people whose ideas and beliefs are similar to mine. I haven't really been able to do that since the last time I was in school. It's not that I don't like the folks that I've met recently ... Quite the contrary, I think they're a lovable bunch of people. I just don't have much in common with people who voluntarily label themselves "rednecks."
If any of answer five looks familiar, that's because I cut and pasted it from number three. This is the thing I miss the most ... Meeting new people. I made a lot of friends with whom I wish I still had contact. I'll correct that mistake this time around ... Along with all of the other mistakes I made from the last time.


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