Sunday, September 18, 2005

Can't Talk. Studying.

Can't stay too long today, folks. Have to get back to the studies. There are tests in Geology and Psychology next week, as well as turning in a bibliography for a speech in my Communication class. I'm here and still reading, but it's going to be interrupted by long periods of study.

In case you're wondering, yes, I am disillusioned with this kind of writing. I might have made a reference to Mad Maddox once, but I got tired of his stuff pretty early. A young George Carlin, I thought of him when I read the first entry. After reading a few more of his articles, and those of a few other Carlin copycats, I've come to the conclusion that today's self-styled or otherwise labeled cynical writer is similar to a shark; more teeth than brain. The last thing of Maddox's I read was "Star Wars Episode III: A Steaming Pile of Sith." Hmm. Funny thing is that I wouldn't have known anybody would dare to call Maddox cynical without vulgar references to sexual activity or excrements. (I'll have to admit, though. "Sith" is a clever substitute for "shit", as they have all of their letters in common.)

Thus, I've decided to study this phenomenon of cynicism. What makes a person cynical? I don't know yet. But, from the skimming I've done, most of the time it takes a superior self attitude that is disproportionate to one's contribution to anything at all. Therefore, cynics can come in all stripes; conservative, liberal, socialist, fascist ... you name a group, and there are cynics in it.

On one site, I came across the definition of a cynic that's fairly illuminating--accurate, if not precise. It says something along the lines of a cynic is an idealist whose rose colored glasses have been snatched from their face, stomped in two, thus improving their vision. Not quite the definition that allows one to be an active participant in one's conversion, I thought...


Blogger David Aaron said...

I've noticed, though, that even I'm locked in the same cycle as these other writers;

Grumble about pop culture, grumble about media manipulation, grumble about people who grumble about pop culture and media manipulation.

All I'd really like to do is go play cards with friends and talk. We can solve the world's problems, and compound those same problems, at that level. It's like Kurt Vonnegut has said; We're only here on Earth to fart around. Don't let anyone tell you any different.

September 18, 2005 4:32 PM  
Blogger David Aaron said...

What I like about modern cynicism is that a lot of other folks don't realize about themselves what you have. For the sentiment you expressed, I say, Yay for Us!

September 22, 2005 12:20 PM  

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