Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's Been a While ... Again

Lately, and by that I mean the past couple of ... years? ... it seems that blogging is a lot less important than it used to be. I suppose I could chalk that up to moving back in with other people. When This Space for Rent first opened, I had just gotten out of a relationship, and was living on my own.

I've since returned to school (yay, Junior Year! Yay, majoring in Geology!), and moved back in with a parent. (Scoff now, jackasses. I know you will. "Hehe...Loser! He moved in with his mommie!" ... I'm being charitable there--most folks wouldn't bother with the spelling or grammar on the web.)

Now--with all the competition Blogger has from other sources, I wonder...does anyone still read this thing?

I suppose I'll find out...
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